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10 Tips For Travelling With Children


You’re thinking about taking a trip with your kids. We would all like to have a smooth journey and stay despite the adjustment that travelling with children can represent. You are wondering how to anticipate the potential difficulties associated with a baby’s rhythm. Dealing with crises or conflicts outside the home is often not so easy. Read my 10 tips for travelling with your children.

Anticipate the start of the trip

The sooner you anticipate going on holiday, the more likely you are to be serene. It’s all about choosing the best destination to travel to with your family, booking in advance or checking in online. Doing as many things as possible before the day of departure will give you the freedom to manage your children. If the length of the journey allows it, you can decide to leave at nap time or at night if possible. If the children sleep all or part of the way, it’s always a good idea to take it easy!

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Having time and taking real breaks

Whether you travel by car, train or plane, be wide! It is good to be ready to leave 1 to 2 hours before the scheduled time. You can look out for highway areas with children’s playgrounds. At the airport or train station, let them stretch their legs, run or play before boarding. Once the journey has begun, take real breaks. I advise you to take time to walk, go to the bathroom, do some stretching. By car, it is recommended to stop every 2 hours for 20 to 30 minutes (and more at meal times).

Prepare a travel bag for a light baby.

You will probably need skin care products, but the number can be reduced. Indeed, you can choose an organic soap (without packaging, so it’s environmentally friendly!) that is gentle, without essential oil, and that can be used by the whole family. A pure and organic multi-purpose vegetable oil of Calendula (suitable for the most sensitive skin) can be used as a care oil for everyone and as a diaper oil as well. And finally, look at the weather forecast to target the choice of outfits. This will allow you to limit the amount of clothes you need to take with you. Choose dark or patterned colours to avoid highlighting stubborn stains. Plan to bring a good Marseille soap or stain remover. In general, travelling light will make your life easier when you travel.

Carrying a stroller or baby carrier

If you travel with a baby or toddler, the question of the stroller will arise. You should know that we’ve made the choice not to have a stroller since our mishaps with Arthur. Indeed, what a freedom, we have the stairs and the walks! The choice of baby carrier (there are some very light ones for the summer) is a practical choice, whether it is for the journey, for moving around during the stay and for its motricity in general. It is also a valuable way to soothe your child in case of crisis or fatigue. For me, it’s a “must have” when travelling with children.

Involve your children in the preparation of the trip

So that your children don’t feel like they are following you without having their say, you can offer to prepare their things. Depending on their age, they can, for example, choose the games and toys they prefer to take with them. They will inevitably be more captivated by the toys they themselves have selected. They can also participate in certain tasks. Let them help you load suitcases or small bags into the car. They’ll feel involved and part of the journey.

Take along games and toys that are easy to transport

If it’s wise to let them choose what they want to take with them, it’s best to avoid taking the wooden train or the car garage! Try to direct them to smaller toys if necessary. Plan to include headphones and children’s CDs so that they can listen to music or stories being told. Let them take their favourite books with them, limiting them to 2 or 3. You can show them the capacity of the bag in which all the toys they want to take with them should fit.

Provide suitable food for traveling with children.

Please note that baby food is allowed in carry-on baggage. For the rest, it’s best to pack snacks that they are sure to like and eat, especially during takeoff or landing if you’re travelling by plane. Without chewing, their little ears may suffer at these times. If you are breastfeeding or if your child is taking a pacifier or bottle, this is also the time to give him/her. You can also choose simple fruits to nibble on, such as grapes or bananas.

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Stay connected to their needs

In order to establish and maintain a peaceful atmosphere during the journey, you need to connect with your children. To do this, you need to be hyper available. You put yourself on their level, you take an interest in what they do, think, feel. You gain their trust from the very beginning of the day. Yes, your children’s confidence is earned every day. So, when a wave of emotions (i.e., when a “crisis”!) hits, it’s much easier to help them manage it. In this article, I give you some precious tools to help you do this by applying Non-Violent Communication (NVC) in your daily life. And this connection, don’t let go of it! It will be precious for you to travel with children.

Improvise and stay creative when traveling with children

When their interest or concentration wanes and you feel the boredom and annoyance mounting. It’s time to suggest a new activity! Singing a song together, listening to your favorite CD, drawing, guessing games, playing “I see an object.” and the child has to find the object using your directions.

If an emotional storm occurs for a reason, create a diversion. Play surprise or amazement by suddenly turning his attention to something he likes. “Oh! Look, there’s a plane over there!”. This allows his emotional brain to disconnect to switch to his rational brain.

Lighten the schedule of on-site activities

I suggest you don’t aim to visit the destination of the trip from top to bottom! Whether it’s about the journey or the holiday itself, it’s best to plan lightly. That way, you don’t run out of time and energy, just relax and enjoy. For example, you can plan just one big activity a day (for example, a visit to a nature reserve) and one small one (a board game or a manual activity). Always try to plan one outdoor activity a day. This will help to keep your mind clear and refreshed. And the evening promises to be cooler.


Anticipate departure, book, check in online, leave early, if possible during nap time.

  • Have the time, take the time and take real breaks. Look for highway areas with playgrounds.
  • Leave with light luggage. Use compatible products for the whole family. Watch the weather forecast to reduce the amount of clothing you need to pack.
  • Carry a stroller versus a physiological baby carrier.
  • Involve your children in the preparation of the trip.
  • Choose toys that are easy to carry.
  • Provide food that is suitable for the little ones.
  • Stay connected to your children’s needs.
  • Be creative. Use the switch from the emotional brain to the rational brain to avoid “seizures”.
  • Lighten the holiday schedule to stay relaxed and rested. Plan only one big activity a day. Get out daily.

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